• Web development, real estate photography, video tours,


    since 2004
  • Webdesign in Poprad

    Quality you can count on

  • Real Estate photography Poprad

    Our references are happy clients

Real estate marketing

Professional Photography of Real Estate

V online svete je fotografia najdôležitejším aspektom pri rozhodovaní. Kvalitnou fotografiou zvýšite záujem o vaše nehnuteľnosti, ubytovanie, služby či produkty. Popri fotení nehnuteľností, natáčame a fotíme aj dronom. Pripravíme krátke videoprehliadky vašich nehnuteľností na sociálne siete, 2D a 3D pôdorysy. Robíme aj homestaging pred fotením.

Let us photograph your:

  • house, real estate property, ambulance,
  • hotel, guesthouse, office, interior, exterior,
  • appartment, factory, office, shop...

TOMAS HYBEN | photographer


Poskytujeme komplexné služby v oblasti realitného marketingu - robíme všetko preto, aby ponuky nehnuteľností vyzerali na realitných portáloch najlepšie.

Aerial footage from a drone

Professional photos and videos from a bird's eye view! Naše portfólio zahŕňa aj profi služby fotenia a natáčania s dronom. Dajte svojim nehnuteľnostiam nový rozmer – rodinné domy, apartmány, hotely, penzióny a areály nafotíme a natočíme z unikátnej perspektívy.

Či už potrebujete zvýšiť atraktivitu svojej nehnuteľnosti pre predaj, alebo chcete vytvoriť jedinečné marketingové materiály, naše letecké zábery vám poskytnú nezameniteľný pohľad na vaše nehnuteľnosti a ich okolie. Spoľahnite sa na našu profesionálnu techniku a skúsenosti certifikovaného pilota dronu, ktoré vám prinesú špičkový výsledok.

Nové nábrežie - construction in Poprad

Photography of real estates, interiors / exteriors, 2D floor plans...

Dlhodobo spolupracujeme s viacerými realitnými agentmi a kanceláriami, ktorým záleží na kvalitnej prezentácii nehnuteľností. Poskytujeme im fotografie interiérov, exteriérov, videá (horizontálne, vertikálne), 2D a 3D pôdorysy a ďalšie služby, ktoré výrazne urýchlia predaj nehnuteľností.

Už 20 rokov sa venujeme fotografovaniu nehnuteľností a za ten čas sme získali rozsiahle skúsenosti a hlboké znalosti v tejto oblasti. Poznáme všetky princípy tvorby dobrých fotografií, ktoré pútajú pozornosť a zdôrazňujú prednosti nehnuteľnosti. Dokonalé ovládanie techník úpravy a retuše nám umožňuje dosiahnuť profesionálny výsledok, ktorý spĺňa očakávania aj tých najnáročnejších klientov. Pre nich máme v ponuke aj twilight fotenie (ukážky sú v galérii).

Vždy sa snažíme o maximálnu spokojnosť našich klientov a dbáme o to, aby im naše služby priniesli reálnu hodnotu.

A luxurious complex of family houses in the High Tatras

Videoprehliadky nehnuteľností, moderované prehliadky a videá z dronu

Engage potential buyers with engaging video property tours and stand out from the competition. Along with the photos, we will also deliver a short video tour (30-60 seconds) for presentation on your social networks.

  • greater attractiveness of the property,
  • faster sale, better price,
  • saving time and effort for brokers.

Homestaging - preparation of the property before photo shooting

Homestaging, based on the theory of first impressions, is a service that prepares real estate for sale by enhancing the interior with tasteful furnishings and decorations. As we specialize in photographing properties for rent or sale, including real estate, hotels, and guesthouses, homestaging naturally complements our photography services.

Homestaging - the first impression is the most important
preparation of the property before photo shooting

Just like professional photos, video tours, also homestaging - property preparation is essential for a successful sale or rental. Homestaging maximizes a property's appeal, ensuring a great first impression on potential buyers. In addition to our photography services, we can also create a 2D floor plan and a short social media video to showcase the property. In addition to photographs, we will also make 2D floor plan a short video presentation of the property for social media.

You can read more about homestaging in our article for REALTA - real estate agency of Janka Maťašovská.

Informačný onepage web nehnuteľnosti

Predstavujeme vám exkluzívnu službu tvorby informačného one-page webu pre nehnuteľnosti určené na predaj. Táto šablóna moderného a prehľadného webu slúži ako podporný marketingový materiál pre realitné kancelárie a maklérov, ktorí chcú nehnuteľnosť odprezentovať klientom profesionálne a efektívne.

  • väčšia viditeľnosť a dôveryhodnosť,
  • faster sale, better price,
  • odlíšenie od konkurencie.
Ukážka šablóny

Stores, operations, clinics

ENT clinic Poprad | Stores Intersport | Stores Aquaterm | Tatrakon photographing the production hall | Natural Spa Centrum | Gynecological clinic GynMK | Dental clinic Dentakra | Photography of the sportshop Mountfield LM


AIR - TRANSPORT EUROPE, spol. s r.o. - rent executive jet | Pivnica Čajkov - wine gallery | 1stt - profile photos | STIEBEL ELTRON - references, profile photos, ceremonial opening of the production hall | OLD HEROLD - events

Price list of photographic works

Websites creation and support


We started writing our history with web design right after studying at university, back in 2004. Like many startups, we learned as we went. However, our solutions were carefully thought out to the smallest detail. Interesting is that during our nearly 20-year history, we have never done advertising campaigns or paid promotion of our own company. People have noticed that we are honest and caring, we meet deadlines, we don't lie, and we always try to please and accommodate them.They appreciated it and said it to each other. Therefore, we always had enough work. We have built a stable place and a good name in the region.

In 2018, we tried to expand our base and build a small advertising agency. However, the corona came, and thanks to it, we understood that we are not created to manage other people. For us, it is a better alternative not to lose insight, contact and good relations with our regular customers. We want to focus mainly on what we really understand and what we are good at. The pandemic has taught us how to collaborate externally, and we've created a team entirely of freelancers working remotely. Their approach is more responsible and our company more stable. We are currently focusing more on smaller projects. We realize that only a job well done, helpfulness and a friendly, fair approach are the way to a satisfied client.


We create beautiful, useful, and functional websites that keep their quality and modern design for many years. We have built a large base of satisfied clients, we provide them with long-term support. They appreciate our prompt and proactive approach, the willingness to advise and always be helpful. We value not only our time but especially our clients' time. We spend a huge amount of time looking for the best solutions and are detail-oriented. We've been doing what we love for nearly 20 years, so we do it well.

90 % of our websites are still online and have not lost quality, beauty and functionality over the years.

Creating a website is far from the end of our job. We regularly review all of our sites to ensure everything is correct and functional. We take care of each of our works with love and care about its safety and development. We value our clients. We have made friends with many. We build long-term partnerships based on mutual trust.

real estate photography
drone, homestaging, 2D floor plans
graphics, creativity
video tours of real estate
webdesign, programming

What can we offer?

  • Photography


    Už takmer 20 rokov pracujeme v online marketingu a veľmi dobre vieme, že bez profesionálnych fotografii je ťažké sa presadiť a zaujať. Špecializujeme sa na profesionálne fotenie nehnuteľností, fotenie interiérov a exteriérov, vaše nehnuteľnosti nafotíme aj s dronom.

  • Video-prezentácie


    Pripravíme krátke videoprezentácie a moderované prehliadky vašich nehnuteľností (vertikálne - Facebook, Instagram, horizontálne - Youtube).

    Do videa spracujeme aj zábery z dronu, natočené naším certifikovaným pilotom.

  • Webdesign


    Vďaka dlhoročným skúsenostiam vo webdizajne, pripravíme informačný onepage web pre vašu nehnuteňosť, firmu, či prevádzku. Pozrite si našu šablónu pre web nehnuteľnosti.

    When creating web pages we look after every little detail.

  • SEO


    aka Search Engine Optimization. While the creation the website we pay attention to correct SEO techniques and factors, we carefully pick keywords effectively used on the page.

    Good SEO is an inseparable part of a functional webpage.

  • Graphic design

    Graphic design

    Design, creation and implementation of graphics for corporate identity, websites, logo, visualizations, prints.

    Flawless preparation of materials for print.

A selection of our works

Our satisfied clients

„People who say it can't be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.“

G. B. Shaw

Long time cooperation:

Contact us:


Company details:

  • IČO: 46967354
    IČ DPH: SK2023676688
    Company was incorporated on 11.1.2013 in Company Register,
    conducted under Prešov County Court, division Sro, rider 27251/P